Intelligent Information Processing


Course description


Jingli Gao
Associate Profesor
School of Software Engineering
Pingdingshan University

Course goal

This course is an introductory undergraduate course in machine learning. The class will briefly cover topics in linear regression, linear classification, fully connected neural networks, convolutional neural networks, recurrent Neural Networks, deep learning.

Prerequisites: You should understand basic probability and statistics, and college-level algebra and calculus. For the programming assignments, you should have some background in programming, and it would be helpful if you know Python and Pytorch.

Course topics

1 Introduction

1.1 Computer vision

1.2 Natural language processing

2 Learning Foundations

2.1 Machine learning in aily life

2.2 Key components of machine learning

2.3 Various machine learning issues

3 Linear Models

3.1 Linear models for regression

3.2 Linear models for classification

4 Fully Connected Neural Networks

4.1 Neural networks basics

4.2 Feed-forward network functions

4.3 Error Backpropagation

4.4 A simple example

5 Convolutional Neural Networks

5.1 Convolutional neural networks basics

5.2 Neural computations in a CNN

5.3 The equations of a forward pass through a CNN

5.4 The equations of backpropagation used to train CNNs

5.5 Classic network architectures

5.6 An example for classification

6 Recurrent Neural Networks

6.1 Recurrent neural networks basics

6.2 The equations of a forward pass through a RNN

6.3 The equations of backpropagation used to train RNNs

6.4 RNNs architectures

6.5 An example for natural language processing

Evaluation and grading policy

  • Assignments 50%
  • Final project 50%

Course resources


Additional resources

Course schedule

Week Topic Material Labs
Feb 21-28 1.1 Introduction
1.2 Computer vision
1.3 Deep learning
1.4 Natural language processing
Asynchronous Class:
[Lv21] Chap 1 (slides1)(handouts)
Linear Algebra and Probability Review (part 1 Linear Algebra, part 2 Probability)
Python Documentation
Python Documentation(中文版)
Pytorch Documentation
Pytorch Documentation(中文版) Pytorch Setup Documentation(安装说明) ( CPU version)( GPU version)
Mar 7-14 2.1 Model evaluation
2.2 Model parameter selection
2.3 Supervised learning
2.4 Unsupervised learning
2.5 Gradient descent optimization
Asynchronous Class:
[Lv21] Chap 3 (slides) (updated handouts)
Mar 21-28
Apr 4
3.1 Linear models for regression
3.2 Linear models for classification
Asynchronous Class:
[Lv21] Chap 5 (slides)
Chap 5(handouts)
Apr 11-25
4.1 Neural networks basics
4.2 Feed-forward network functions
4.3 Error Backpropagation
4.4 A simple example
Asynchronous class:
[Lv21] Chap 6 (slides)
[Bis06] Chap 6 (handouts)
May 2-30 5.1 Convolutional neural networks basics
5.2 Neural computations in a CNN
5.3 The equations of a forward pass through a CNN
5.4 The equations of backpropagation used to train CNNs
5.5 Classic network architectures
5.6 An example for classification
Asynchronous class:
[Lv21] Chap 7 (slides)
[Gonz18] Chap 7 (handouts)
Jun 6-20 6.1 Recurrent neural networks basics
6.2 The equations of a forward pass through a RNN
6.3 The equations of backpropagation used to train RNNs
6.4 RNNs architectures
6.5 An example for natural language processing
Asynchronous class:
[Lv21] Chap 8 (slides)
Chap 8 (handouts)
Jun 25 Final Project

Final Projects

Zonghui Li
Image style transfer based on VGG. (video)
More poster and presentation video examples can be found on website
Flower image classification based on Alexnet. (video)
More poster and presentation video examples can be found on website