
  • Jingli Gao (IEEE/CCF/CAA Member) is currently an associate professor at the School of Software Engineering, Pingdingshan University, Pingdingshan, China. He received the Ph.D. degree in control theory and control engineering from Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, in December 2017. His current research interests include Artificial intelligence, machine learning (deep learning), computer vision, multimedia information processing, medical image analysis, robotics. He has presided over and participated in a number of scientific research projects, including the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Science and Technology Research Project of Henan Province, and the Key Scientific Research Project of Colleges and Universities of Henan Province. He has published more than 10 papers in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering, Soft Computing, and other international academic journals and conferences; Authorized 1 national invention patent. He serves as a reviewer for international journals such as TIP, TNNLS, TCyb, TMM, TCSVT, etc., as well as for domestic excellent journals such as Acta Automatica Sinica. He was a recipient of the Leader of Academic Technology of Henan Provincial Department of Education, the Leader of Academic Technology of Pingdingshan City-Pingdingshan City, the Outstanding Young Technologist of Pingdingshan City.

Education & Work Experience:

  • 2020/01-Now: Associate Professor
    School of Software Engineering
    Pingdingshan University (PDSU), Pingdingshan, China
  • 2008/07-2019/12: Lecturer
    School of Software Engineering
    Pingdingshan University (PDSU), Pingdingshan, China
  • 2012/09-2017/12: Ph.D.
    Control Theory and Control Engineering, Zhejiang University (ZJU), Hangzhou, China
    Supervisor: Chair Prof. Meiqin Liu and Chair Prof. Chenglin Wen

Research Interests:

  • Brain-like cognition and optimization:
    Explore the mechanism of visual perception and brain cognition, and solve the tasks of fusion, enhancement, classification, segmentation, and detection of natural images/infrared images/X-ray images.
  • Visual perception methods in open environments:
    Explore solutions for tasks such as object detection, object recognition, and scene understanding in open environments.
  • Multimedia Big Data Analysis and Application:
    Explore understanding problems across modal data, including sentiment analysis, media information retrieval, image description and generation.
  • Medical Big Data Analysis and Application:
    Explore artificial intelligence technology for disease prediction and automatic diagnosis, and solve the tasks of case analysis, enhancement, segmentation, and retrieval of medical images.
  • Deep Learning Theory and Methods:
    Explore the theory and application practice of deep learning, such as zero-sample/small-shot learning, self-supervised/weakly supervised learning, etc.

Research Projects:

  • (Principal Investigator) 2021-2023, The Science and Technology Research Project of Henan Province
    Project Title: Research on intelligent detection of weld image based on attention mechanism and depth feature
  • (Principal Investigator) 2020-2023, The Key Scientific Research Project of Colleges and Universities of Henan Province
    Project Title: Research on intelligent detection of weld image based on multi-scale depth feature extraction
  • (Principal Investigator) 2016-2018, The National Natural Science Foundation of China
    Project Title: Low-altitude, slow-speed and small target detection methods under complex scenario

Honors & Awards:

  • Leader of Academic Technology of Henan Provincial Department of Education, 2018.
  • Leader of Academic Technology of Pingdingshan City-Pingdingshan City, 2018.
  • Outstanding Young Technologist of Pingdingshan City, 2018.

Academic Activities:

❈  Professional Affiliations:

  • Member of IEEE (2014-)
  • Member of China Computer Federation (CCF) (2017-)
  • Member of Chinese Association of Automation (CAA) (2017-)

❈  Reviewer for Journals:

  • IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP)
  • IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics (TCyb)
  • IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (TMM)
  • IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (TCSVT)
  • IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (TGRS)
  • Acta Automatica Sinica

❈  Area Chair/PC Member/Reviewer for Conferences:

  • Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC)
  • Chinese Control Conference (CCC)